Saturday, 1 October 2016

A Beginners Notes on Aeroelasticity


Aeroelasticity is the subject that describes the interaction of aerodynamic forces on aircraft, inertia, buildings, surface vehicles etc for a flexible structure and the phenomena that can result.

  • Aeroelasticity is not exclusively concerned with aircraft, the topic is also relevant for the design of structures for example, bridges, Formula 1 racing cars, wind turbines, turbo machinery blades, helicopters, and so on.
  • Aeroelastic issues would not exist if airplane structures were perfectly rigid.
  • Numerous imperative aeroelastic phenomena involve inertia forces as well as aerodynamic and elastic forces.

Applicable For:

  1. Ships, Offshore Structures
  2. Aero Structures
  3. Civil Structures
  4. More specially used to address issues related to flying vehicles

Dynamic Aeroelasticity:

Concerned with the oscillatory impacts of the aeroelastic interactions, and the primary area of interest is the potentially catastrophic phenomenon of flutter.
Phenomena including interactions of inertial, aerodynamic, and elastic forces. It deals with the body’s dynamic  reaction.

Phenomena including three type of forces:

  1. Buffeting: Transient vibrations of flying machine auxiliary parts because of aerodynamic impulses delivered by wake behind wings, nacelles, fuselage cases, or different segments of the plane.
  2. Dynamic Response: Transient reaction of airplane basic parts created by quickly connected burdens because of blasts, landing, weapon responses, sudden control movements, and moving stun waves.
  3. Flutter: Dynamic instability happening for air ship in flight at a rate called flutter speed.

Static Aeroelasticity:

Considers the non-oscillatory impacts of aerodynamic forces acting on the flexible airplane structure. The adaptable way of the wing will impact the in-flight wing shape and thus the lift appropriation in a consistent move or in the uncommon instance of cruise.
Deals the static or steady response of a versatile body to a fluid flow. 

Phenomena including three type of forces:

  1. Divergence: A static instability of a lifting surface of a flying machine in flight, at a rate called the divergence speed, where flexibility of the lifting surface assumes a key part in the instability.
  2. Control System Reversal: A condition happening in flight, at a rate called the control reversal speed, at which the proposed impact of dislodging a given part of the control framework are totally invalidated by elastic deformations of the structure.
  3. Load Distribution: Impact of elastic deformations of the structure on the conveyance of aerodynamic pressures over the structure.
